2023-24 Board of Trustees

Michael P.  Beecher Jr.

Interim Board Chair
EscapeWire Solutions

Christopher J. Fiorello

Board Vice-Chair
USI Insurance Services, Employee Benefits Practice Leader

Christopher Donnini

Board Treasurer
ASGN Incorporated

Howard Rich

Board Secretary
Retired - Rich Products

Joseph A.
Agro, Esq.

Goldberg Segalla

Michael W. Burns, CFP

Merrill Lynch Wealth Management Private Client Group

Justin H. Caldwell

Erie County District Attorney's Office

Emily Carrier

National Fuel

Arthur W. Cryer, CPCU


Stephen Forman

Delaware North

Anthony B.H. Habib

17 Bakers Inc.

Mark Keller

Keller Technology Corporation

Terry Kreuz

National Fuel

Michael P. McClaren

Webster Szanyi LLP

Audrey J. Meyers

Evans Bank

Matt Newman

NOCO Development LLC

Jacinta M. Ramirez


Stephen Rich

Innovation Center Chef
Rich Products

Talia Rodriguez J.D.


Marc Romanowski

Rupp Pfalzgraf, LLC

Melinda Seibold

TD Insurance


Univera Healthcare

Kenneth J. Sodaro

Independent Health

Ricco Tribuzzi


Boys & Girls Clubs
of Buffalo

282 Babcock Street
Buffalo, New York 14210

Our mission:

Provide a safe and stable experience that assures success is within reach of all our members - that they graduate from high school with plans for their future and that they are living a healthy lifestyle.

EIN: 16-0849516